Voting has begun on SPLOST 7. If you are an early or absentee Voter you may vote now or on March 19. On Thursday February 25th, RCA representatives attended a packed Public Forum on the merits of SPLOST 7. A recap report of this meeting is included here. The RCA believes we have worked hard to learn all the information we can from the County about this SPLOST. We have also done our on research and teamed with other groups of the new Rabun County Coalition to present facts about SPLOST 7 and 6 for your consideration. It is now decision time for our Members and other voter's.
The RCA has tried hard to keep an open mind about SPLOST 7. Rabun needs this money and so does the City of Clayton. We don't take that lightly. Clayton in particular needs the money because it was denied money from SPLOST 6 by the County. What happens if this SPLOST fails? It will more than likely be re-formulated by the County for presentation again to the voters next year, hopefully with all criticisms considered and addressed by the County.

What is the final RCA position regarding a YES or No vote on this SPLOST? We recommend a NO vote, but click here to better understand the reasons for this recommendation by the RCA. And please be sure to vote, otherwise , others will decide your future.
This is unlike property taxes in that if you spend any money in Rabun County you would be impacted by this tax. This means that even if you are not a registered voter in Rabun you still have a right to express your opinion. In that regard we encourage you to do so based on your final opinion. You can email each of your County officials at this link. There is also a way to email all of them at the same link.